How Are Coloured uPVC Windows Made?

uPVC (unplasticised polyvinyl chloride) windows have become a popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, energy efficiency, and low maintenance requirements. While traditional white uPVC windows have been widely used, the demand for coloured uPVC windows has been steadily rising. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating process of how coloured uPVC windows are made, from the selection of colours to the final manufacturing stages.

Selecting the Desired Colour 

The first step in making coloured uPVC windows is to choose the desired colour. Homeowners can now find an extensive range of colours to match their personal preferences and complement their home’s aesthetics. Manufacturers use colour palettes or codes to precisely match the colour requested by the customer.

Formulating the Pigments 

To achieve the chosen colour, pigments are added to the uPVC material during the formulation process. These pigments are responsible for imparting a specific hue to the uPVC. The formulation process is critical, as it ensures the colour remains consistent throughout the window profile. 

uPVC Extrusion 

The next stage involves the uPVC extrusion process, where the coloured uPVC is transformed into the desired window profile shape. The uPVC material, along with the added pigments, is heated and pushed through a die, which gives it the necessary shape. The extrusion process is continuous, allowing for efficient mass production of window profiles. 

Co-extrusion (optional)

In some cases, a co-extrusion process is employed to create windows with a coloured outer layer and a white inner layer. This technique is beneficial when homeowners desire a particular colour for the exterior while maintaining a neutral white appearance on the inside. The co-extrusion process involved combining two layers of uPVC during the extrusion phase. 

Cooling and Cutting

After the extrusion process, the newly formed coloured uPVCprofiles are cooled rapidly to solidify their shape. Once cooled, the profiles are cut into the required lengths, ready for the next stage of the manufacturing process. 

Frame and Sash Assembly

The coloured uPVC trim profiles are then sent to the assembly line, where the windows’ frames and sashes are created. The individual components are carefully joined using techniques like welding or corner cleaning to ensure seamless connections. During this phase, any additional hardware, such as hinges and locks, is also integrated into the frame.

Quality Control

Quality control is a vital step in the manufacturing of coloured uPVC windows. Each window undergoes rigorous inspections to ensure it meets the required standards. Manufacturers check for colour consistency, dimension, structural integrity, and overall functionality to guarantee customer satisfaction. 

Finishing Touches

Before the coloured uPVC windows are ready for installation, they undergo final finishing touches. This may include cleaning, applying a protective layer, and adding any decorative features or accessories. 


Coloured uPVC windows have transformed the window industry by offering homeowners a wide array of choices to enhance their homes’ aesthetics. From the initial selection of colours to the final finishing touches, the manufacturing process involves careful attention to detail and quality control. As the demand for coloured uPVC windows continues to grow, manufacturers are likely to invest in advanced technologies and formulations to meet customers' ever-evolving preferences. So, the next time you admire the beautiful hues adorning a uPVC window, you’ll appreciate the intricate process that brings those colours to life. 

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